AI Assist Review – Best AI Marketing Assistant Of The Future
AI Assist Review – Best AI Marketing Assistant Of The Future

Welcome to the AI Assist– Human-Like AI Virtual Assistant review post. It is the world’s first “Human-Like” AI Virtual Assistant, The full form of which is artificial intelligence that can give you intelligence and ideas about any information just like humans.
But it is proven to be 16X more powerful than ChatGPT & Google Bard.
️AI Assist is 6X Faster At Creating: AI Assist- Human-Like AI Virtual Assistant Websites, Funnels, Apps,
Voiceovers, Videos, Content, Graphics, eBooks, Ad Copies, Business Plans, Blogs, High Converting Ads, Audios, Chatbots, Art Images, Translation And More.

Creator: Seun Ogundele.

Product: AI Assist.

Launch Date: 2023-Nov-17.

Launch Time: 10:00 EST.

Front-End Price: $17.

Product Type: Software (Online).

Refund: Yes, 180 Days Money-Back Guarantee.

Support: Effective Response.

Recommended: Highly Recommended.


Skill Level Needed: All Levels.

Bonus: Yes, Huge Bonus.

In a nutshell, AI Assist is an all-in-one artificial intelligence software that can help you effortlessly create high-converting marketing materials from scratch. It combines advanced AI from industry leaders like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon to generate marketing copy, graphics, websites, videos, voiceovers and so much more with just a few clicks.

It sounds almost unbelievable that AI could help generate professional quality work so quickly. But as you’ll see throughout this review, the technology has advanced to the point where AI Assist can handle a wide range of marketing tasks better than we humans!

To give you an idea, here are just some of the things AI Assist can create for you:

+ Sales letters, emails, and ad copies

+ Eye-catching logos and banner ads

+ Landing pages and sales funnels

+ Explainer and promotional videos

+ Podcast intros and audio ads

+ Animated GIFs and social media graphics

+ Complete ebooks and lead magnets

+ Websites from scratch

+ Chatbots for customer service

+ Search engine-optimized articles

+ Product descriptions and catalogs

And so much more! The possibilities are truly endless with AI Assist. It can help you create virtually any type of marketing asset you need in minutes.

I’ll expand more on the features later in this review. But first, let’s look at the incredible creator behind this game-changing software.


The mastermind behind AI Assist is a brilliant online marketer named Seun Ogundele. Seun has created digital marketing tools and training products for over 10 years.

Some of his past successful launches include:

+ RoboSTAFF - World's First 50 Elite AI Staff

+ AI Gigz Hub - World's First AI-Run Fiverr-Like Marketplace

+ WP Genie - WordPress AI Virtual Assistant

+ Artisia - AI Image Studio

+ AvaTalk - Generative AI Video Creator

+ ZapAI - NexusAI WhatsApp Autoresponder

+ TaskAI – AI assistant to automate tasks

As you can see, Seun has a proven track record of releasing innovative products in the AI and marketing space.

So when I heard he was launching a new all-in-one AI tool for marketers, I knew it would be a game changer even before trying it. Seun’s products always overdeliver on value and AI Assist is no exception.

I can confidently say that AI Assist is Seun’s most ambitious and advanced product yet. He put years of research and development into creating an AI assistant that delivers incredible results while still being easy for anyone to use.

So kudos to Seun for pioneering such a revolutionary product for marketers. Now let’s dive into all the features and benefits of AI Assist.

AI Assist essentially puts the power of multiple advanced AI technologies into one simple platform. This gives you an ‘AI-powered marketing expert’ who can handle most of your marketing tasks for you.

Here are just some of the key features:

Unlimited AI Copywriting

The built-in AI copywriter inside AI Assist is incredibly advanced. Just tell it your topic, tone, and target audience. Within seconds, it generates high-converting marketing copy like:

+ Mesmerizing email and ad copies

+ Engaging Facebook/Google ads

+ Persuasive video sales letters

+ Product descriptions that sell

+ SEO-optimized blog posts

+ Catchy headlines and more

This alone will save you so much time and money on copywriting. No more spending hours trying to write effective copy or paying expensive copywriters. AI Assist provides unlimited top-notch copy with zero effort.

Drag & Drop Website/Funnel Builder

Creating beautiful websites and sales funnels is a breeze with the built-in drag-and-drop builder. There are a ton of professional templates to choose from. And you can easily customize colors, fonts, and layouts, and add your content.

Whether you want to create:

+ Stunning lead capture pages

+ High-converting sales funnels

+ Authority blogs and niche sites

+ Beautiful online stores and so much more

It’s all possible in minutes without any web design skills. This allows you to bring your online business ideas to life faster than ever before.

AI Graphic Designer

Want to create captivating graphics and images for your marketing? No problem! The AI graphic designer inside AI Assist can instantly generate eye-catching:

+ Social media images

+ YouTube thumbnails

+ Logos and banners

+ Infographics

+ T-shirt designs

+ Cards and flyers

+ Photoshop style edits on images

+ Remove or replace backgrounds

You name it, this AI graphic designer can create it for you in professional quality without breaking your budget.

AI Video Maker

Video marketing is essential today but not everyone has the time or budget to create videos from scratch. Well, AI Assist makes video creation a breeze with its AI video maker that can generate:

+ Attention-grabbing intros and outros

+ Kinetic typography sequences

+ Stylized text overlays

+ Smooth scene transitions

+ Complete animated explainers

+ Promo and ad videos

+ Video sales letters

And so much more. You can even upload your scripts, logos, and images, and the AI will turn it into a stunning video within minutes.

AI Voice-Over Generator

Creating professional voiceovers for your videos and audio content is now a breeze. Simply type in your script, select your preferred voice and language, and let the AI generate amazingly lifelike voiceovers.

You can also auto-convert text into podcasts and other audio content. This saves you a ton of money on hiring voice actors.

AI Article & Blog Writer

Want to start a blog or publish articles regularly but don’t have the time to write content yourself? AI Assist allows you to instantly generate well-researched blog posts and articles on any topic just by entering a few keywords.

You can publish the content as is or easily tweak it to fit your brand’s tone and style. This makes content creation for SEO, list building, and engagement extremely fast.

Creating lead magnet content like ebooks, whitepapers, and reports is essential for most online businesses today. But it’s often a tedious and time-consuming process.

With AI Assist, you can instantly turn your content ideas into complete professional ebooks and reports. There are templates for all types of topics and niches. And you can customize covers, and layouts, add your branding, and more.

Even experienced marketers often struggle to write effective emails that convert subscribers into buyers. Well, the AI email generator inside AI Assist is specially trained to create emails that sell.

Just enter your offer details and target audience. Then let the AI generate the entire email sequence from the subject lines to the email body copy. You can instantly create:

+ High-converting broadcast emails

+ Automated email Funnels

+ Appointment booking reminders

+ Abandoned cart recovery emails

+ Customer win-back campaigns

+ Deadly effective product launch sequences

+ And so much more!

This alone is a game changer for email marketers. You can build your entire business around these converting AI-generated emails.

And this just scratches the surface of what’s possible with AI Assist! There are over 20+ cutting-edge AI tools packed into this amazing software.

It essentially gives you unlimited access to multiple advanced artificial intelligence technologies that can automate and simplify most marketing tasks.

I’ll expand more on the possibilities as we go through this review. But let’s first see how easy it is to use AI Assist.

There are so many reasons why AI Assist is a game-changing product:

Saves You Time & Money

This is the biggest benefit in my opinion. AI Assist can create an endless variety of marketing assets for you in minutes. Things that would take you hours or days to do manually (if you even had the skillset).

This means:

+ No more wasting hours trying to write effective ads or emails from scratch

+ No more spending thousands hiring copywriters, designers, video producers

+ You can instantly create marketing assets on demand instead of waiting around

It essentially puts hundreds of expert marketers at your fingertips 24/7. This alone will transform your marketing and free up so much time.

Levels the Playing Field for New Marketers

The other advantage is how it levels the playing field if you’re a beginner. You no longer need years of experience or special skills to produce high-converting marketing assets.

The AI inside AI Assist has already been trained by top marketing experts. So it can produce pro-level work even if you’re new to marketing.

This means any beginner can now compete with experienced marketers by leveraging the power of AI. It’s a total game-changer!

Unlimited Potential to Monetize

With AI Assist, you have an unlimited supply of world-class marketing assets at your fingertips. As you grow your online business and need new ads, videos, graphics, etc., you never have to start from scratch again.

But even more exciting is the potential to monetize AI Assist in so many ways, such as:

Create marketing assets to sell online

Offer done-for-you marketing services

Launch your agency without any staff

Sell templates and assets on marketplaces

Automate client work and outsource with ease

The income potential is truly limitless with an on-demand AI expert for all your marketing tasks.

Future Proof Your Marketing

Here’s the reality – AI is the future of marketing. We’ve already seen how AI-generated content is dominating search results. AI-created ads are outpacing human-made ones. Chatbots are taking over customer service roles.

Tools like AI Assist that allow you to incorporate AI into your marketing today will give you a huge advantage going forward. You’ll always have fresh new content, videos, funnels, etc. on demand even as AI continues to develop.

You’ll essentially ‘future-proof’ your marketing by leveraging AI Assist right now.

Ongoing Updates & Education

This is something I always loved about Seun Ogundele’s products. He doesn’t just release them and abandon updates. AI Assist will continue to improve over time with new features and updates.

For example, Seun may integrate new AI writing models like GPT-4 when they release to keep it cutting edge. The platform will also expand to add new creation tools and training for users.

When you invest in AI Assist, you’re getting so much more value long-term as it evolves.

Those are just a few of the core reasons why AI Assist is an absolute game-changer for any marketer. Now let’s take a quick look at the pricing and packages.

One of the best parts about AI Assist is that it’s an extremely affordable investment considering the INSANE value you get.

For a limited time during launch week, you can grab a LIFETIME license to AI Assist for a one-time price of just $17!


I don’t need to tell you that is an absolute steal for this incredibly advanced all-in-one AI marketing toolbox.

Just to put this in perspective…

+ Hiring a copywriter for a single ad or email costs $100s if not $1000s.

+ Getting a simple logo designed from Fiverr is a minimum of $20 per design.

+ Producing a professional marketing video starts at $500+

And that’s just for ONE asset!

With AI Assist, you get UNLIMITED access to create all these things on demand for less than the cost of a single meal.

Heck, I spend more than $17 on a night out at the movies!

When you compare the ROI it’s a complete no-brainer to grab this at such a deeply discounted price during launch.

Because after launch weekends, the price will increase for good. So grab this now before it’s too late!

And on top of the amazingly low price, your investment is also protected…

Apply Code “AIASSIST30OFF” to for 30% Off each item

AI Assist Front End - $17

>>>AI Assist : $17<<<

Use Coupon – AIASSIST3OFF For $3 Off On FE

  1. OTO -  AI Assist Unlimited – $67 / $47

2. OTO - AI Assist Done For You – $297/ $197

3. OTO - AI Assist Automation – $47/$27

4. OTO - AI Assist Income Maximizer – $47 /$27

5. OTO - AI Assist Limitless Buyer Traffic – $97/$77

6. OTO - AI Assist Cloned Affiliate profits – $67 /$47

7. OTO - AI Assist Mobile Payday – $47/ $27

8. OTO - AI Assist  Reseller – $197

9. OTO - AI Assist DFY Profit Site – $47


1. Proven to be 16X more powerful than ChatGPT & Google Bard
2. AI Assist is 6X Faster At Creating: Websites, Funnels, Apps, Voiceovers, Videos, Content, Graphics, eBooks, Ad Copies, Business Plans, Blogs, High Converting Ads, Audios, Chatbots, Art Images, Translation, And More…
3. Get All Your Marketing Assets In ANY niche and ANY language Done For You By AI assist with just a keyword or Siri-like voice Command...
4. AI Assist uses real-time, 2023 info ChatGPT's outdated 2021 info ️
5. Complete 100s of Marketing Tasks In 40 Seconds FLAT
6. AI Will Act As Your 24/7, Smart Virtual Assistant
7. Use AI Assist as a PHD-level programming geek to build mobile apps & any software ️
8. No Tech Skills or Experience – Anyone Can Do This!
9. 200+ positive reviews (4.6/5 avg rating)
10. Rest Easy with Our 180-day Money Back Guarantee – We've Got You Covered!


Overreliance on AI: Relying solely on AI for various marketing tasks could limit human creativity, intuition, and customization. 

Q. What is AI Assist?

A. It's the world’s first “Human-like” AI Virtual assistant that harnesses the might of Google, Amazon, and Microsoft's AI, outclassing ChatGPT by a staggering 16X. Welcome to the future of smart conversations!

Q. Do I need to be an AI wizard to use AI Assist?

A. Not at all! AI Assist is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive dashboard that's perfect for newbies and experts alike.

Q. What if AI Assist doesn't live up to the hype?

A. Rest easy, friend! If AI Assist doesn't meet your expectations within 180 days, just let us know and we'll gladly refund every single penny.

Q. Are there any hidden fees lurking around the corner?

A. not! Your one-time investment covers your lifetime access to AI Assist, with no extra costs or hidden fees.

Q. What if I get confused while using AI Assist?

A. Fear not! We've got your back with an exclusive library of detailed video tutorials that'll guide you through every step of the way.

Q. Can I use AI Assist on my PC, Mac, Android, or iOS device?

A. You bet! AI Assist is designed to work seamlessly on any device, making it a true AI companion for everyone.

Let me sum up this comprehensive AI Assist review

If you want to leverage advanced AI technology to automate your marketing, there is simply no better tool than AI Assist.

It brings together the most cutting-edge AI engines into one user-friendly platform that anyone can use to effortlessly create marketing assets on demand.

You’ll save an endless amount of time and money on tasks like copywriting, design, video production, and more. Things that could take weeks or months to do manually can now be completed with AI Assist in minutes or hours.

No matter what your skill level, AI Assist gives you access to the same leading-edge AI technologies used by the world’s top companies. This levels the playing field allowing anyone to compete.

You’ll also always stay ahead of the curve as AI Assist integrates new AI models and features over time. There are no opaque black boxes with this software. You get complete control to customize the AI to your brand and needs.

And with the limited-time launch discount, you can get started with AI Assist for next to nothing. Just $17 gives you unlimited access to this futuristic marketing toolkit for life.

When you compare that tiny investment to the time and money AI Assist will save you, it’s an absolute no-brainer!

So if you’re ready to step into the future of AI-powered marketing, don’t wait any longer. Get AI Assist today and elevate your marketing to the next level!

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