Power Of Positive Self-Talk PLR Review – 100% Honest Opinion
Power Of Positive Self-Talk PLR Review – 100% Honest Opinion

Power of Positive Self-Talk PLR Review

Welcome To My PLR Power Of Positive Self-Talk Review
“THE ART OF SELF REFLECTION: Cultivating Clarity And Self-Awareness” is the ultimate blueprint for those who want to delve deep into their inner thoughts, understand their true selves, and harness the power of introspection for personal growth.

This transformational blueprint contains everything you need to know about the importance of self-reflection – The role of mindfulness in introspection, the benefits of understanding oneself, techniques to practice self-reflection, the impact of self-awareness on decision-making… and many more life-changing tips waiting to be uncovered inside!

This system is created with 100% passion and uniqueness that is both Comprehensive and effective!

Information shared in this powerful system WORKS as long as there is massive execution and consistency.

We’ve condensed all valuable information into 10,000+ words, 70+ pages value-packed book written in a way that is relatable, educational, and easy to digest by our readers of any gender or age!

This PLR package is also packed with a full-blown sales funnel plus all the necessary sales material to make your marketing effort profit close to ZERO.

Simply said, The Art Of Self-Reflection is an irreplaceable Life Tool that your people will love!



Self-Talk – Your Inner Words Are More Powerful Than You Think – 4,850 words, 25 pages.

The report has been created using the articles in this package. Word and PDF formats are supplied.

The report is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy-to-click hyperlinked pages, a disclaimer, an introduction, and a conclusion. Illustrated with our designed social posters, which are royalty-free, commercial-use images.

Report eCover Graphics

Professionally created. Eye-catching eCovers in four different styles to suit your requirements. Provided in both JPG and PNG high-quality formats. Plus you get the PSD file to edit and brand as your own.

Articles – Written and Audio

5 high-quality articles. Professionally researched, written, and edited. Each article is provided in Text and Word files, plus an audio file provided in a male and female voice.

Squeeze Page and CTA Graphic

A WordPress squeeze page (or options page), designed to build your list. Copy and paste into your WordPress page. If you use HTML websites, that’s fine too… you can use the content we have written for your page.

A ‘call-to-action’ graphic to place anywhere you like. Link it to your options page and watch your customer base grow.

Social Posters

Each poster suits one of the articles in this package. The photographs used are 100% royalty-free, and commercial use licensed. This is so important!

The social posters are available in web-ready formats, so they are ready to use right now, plus you will receive the editable PSD files for each poster.

Social Media Posts

These done-for-you posts are ready for you to use and share your content. They will save you heaps of time!

This report (or eBook) has a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction, and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the Word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF, which is ready to use. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with the social posters we have created from royalty-free, commercial-use images. 25 pages, 4,850 words.

Self-Talk PLR eBook Contents

A Never seen before, 100% Done-For-You Package ready to resell!

Properly-researched hot Niche selling like pancakes (We’ve done the research)

Fully integrated sales funnel with all sales material! Just push a button and sell!

Slap your name on it and claim it as your OWN

Grab all high-quality content for your eBook, blog, or articles, or sell it & keep all profits… without all the hard work!

Finally… Build your buyers list effortlessly!

Mark Twain

From Shaun & Cally,

Have you ever felt lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, struggling to understand your true desires and motivations?

Do you observe others who seem to move through life with unwavering clarity and purpose, and wonder what their secret is?

Are you searching for a deeper connection with yourself, longing to understand your true essence and chart a clear path forward?

You're certainly NOT alone.

In a world awash with external influences and distractions, countless individuals are seeking the key to inner clarity and self-awareness.

Delving into self-reflection isn't about overthinking or becoming overly self-critical.

It's about conducting an honest inner dialogue and understanding your core values, motivations, and desires.

It's about paving the way to genuine self-awareness, which in turn fosters clear decision-making and authentic living.

Regrettably, many remain adrift, unsure of how to harness the transformative power of self-reflection, and as a result, live a life that feels out of sync with their true selves.

But here's the empowering truth...

Profound insights from psychology and personal development fields have revealed techniques and practices that can guide individuals on this journey towards self-clarity and a heightened sense of awareness.

In the next few minutes, I am thrilled to present to you these transformative techniques. This blueprint will guide you through the intricate maze of self-reflection, allowing you to discover a clearer, more self-aware version of yourself.

These insights won't just bring personal clarity; they will also empower you to build a 6-7 Figure Self-Help business empire by helping others in their quest for self-awareness.

For those seeking clarity, purpose, and a genuine connection with their inner selves, this blueprint is a beacon of light, brimming with actionable strategies and profound insights.


The Online Self-Help Industry Is A Growing $20B Business Today

And this number is still growing annually at 6.2% on average despite a bad economy and recession!

... And Self-Help is one of the largest, most popular, and undying niches in the market.

Guess what? That's just a conservative number to look at...

With over 20,000 life coaches in the US alone, with a coaching industry worth about $1.5 Billion…

And more people are looking online for solutions to their problems than ever before, a no-brainer will know that Digital Marketing is the modern way of marketing for ANY Businesses (Coaches, Consultants, Marketers, and even Offline Business Owners)

So We Are Targeting One Of The Most Popular and in-demand Topics Today...

But Wait...

The young, old, men, women regardless of their profession, and even teenagers and school kids are all targeted audience in this niche... as everyone faces challenges in personal growth, decision-making, and understanding oneself better at different stages of their lives.

Think about it...

  1. Who doesn't want to embark on a journey inward, unveiling deeper truths about their desires, motivations, and patterns?

2. Who doesn't wish for access to tools and methodologies that help them navigate the landscape of their mind, thereby fostering clarity and self-awareness?

3. Who doesn't aim to enhance their decision-making, relationships, and overall life satisfaction by understanding their reactions and choices better?

4. Who doesn’t seek to uncover the secret formula that integrates moments of introspection into daily life, ensuring continuous growth and evolution?

Who doesn't want to eliminate the stress, setbacks, missed opportunities, and strained relationships caused by external noise and distractions?

But The Challenge is This...
Churning Out Continuous Flow Of Content & Products is NOT EASY

You Can Even Sell It As Your OWN And Keep 100% Profit!
And I'm Offering You More Than "Just Content"...
I’m Going To Give You A Full-Blown Product That You Can Launch Right Away and profit!

The Art Of Self-Reflection is our Best Creation in Self-Help niche yet! And we’re handing it over to you so that you can offer tremendous value to your existing self-help audiences or even kickstart your very own Self-Help empire!

So here’s your chance to grab The Art Of Self-Reflection with Private Label Rights! Meaning you can take this product and brand it as your OWN!

No More Headaches on Content. No More Pain on Product Creation.

This is a sneak peek at what you're getting inside...

Module 1 - Premium Quality Ebook
VALUE: $700.00

The Art Of Self-Reflection is a 100% brand new and unique E-book that contains the latest and most up-to-date information on "How to cultivate clarity and self-awareness" that was written with heart and real-life experiences.

Packed with over 10,000+ words written thoughtfully that will ‘talk’ to your readers, creating 100% engagement and bringing your readers into awe.

Every bit of information has no fluff, but quality content that your users are gonna LOVE.

What's Included?

The latest and most up-to-date information on The Best Ways To Self-Reflect.

10 Powerful Chapters, with over 10,000 words written by proficient writers.

Full PLR Rights are given along with Editable DOC and PDF format so you can freely edit the book however you wish to customize the content to your taste

Stunning Chapter Graphics that will keep your readers spellbound.

Fantastic information that you might even like yourself!

Up To 8 Chapter Graphics Inside...

We’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

Your ready-made sales page was written by our professional in-house copywriter specializes in driving crazy conversions. So, you have one of the most difficult parts being taken care of.

You can now sell this product right from the get-go!

So, instead of braining for high-converting ideas or spending $1000s on a professional copywriter, you can now sell this product from the get-go!

All you need to do is just simply add a BUY button, put your name on it and your sales funnel is good to go!

Just send traffic to it, and the sales will keep rolling in even with your eyes closed.

Check Out Your Sales Page!

To add a finishing touch to your sales letter, we even took one step further to create a hypnotizing Video Sales Letter for you to significantly boost sales!

We know for sure that videos do work.

That's why we've hired the best copywriter and voice-over talent to produce this key component so that you can simply upload this video to your website and watch your conversions soar sky-high!

In the Self-Help niche, giving out Free Offers or Gifts has been proven to increase sales by up to 40% and we have prepared the perfect Free Offer as a lead magnet/bribe for this specific product.

We understand that what makes a prospect buy from you is TRUST.

By demonstrating tremendous value through our professionally written lead magnet, your leads are going to trust you more and become more inclined to buy the actual product, which we will recommend in the backend.

What's Included?

4,000+ word Special Report written by a top-notch writer.

Contains a link to the main product at the backend.

DOC and PDF files are included for you to edit and customize the book however you want.

On top of your lead magnet, We even built the Landing Page for you!

Your opt-in page is professionally done and high-converting.

We put in a lot of effort in this so that all you need to do is simply plug in and profit!

Here's a Sneak Preview:

Now that you’ve got the lead magnet and opt-in page ready, you are all set to build your list and even start making sales!

But we’re not gonna stop there…

Because we understand that preparing follow-up emails is essential to building your customers’ trust can be quite a hassle for most, and figuring out high-converting ideas can crack your head.

So, why don't we prepare the high-converting e-mail swipes for you?

All you need to do is just plug them into your Autoresponder and start growing a QUALITY list that converts!

We’re giving you all the beautiful, high-quality graphics that were designed by Professional Graphic Designers to have full customization capability.

You’ll have full access to the entire graphics vault!

Which Includes:

eCovers: eBook, Box, CD, DVD, Report and Bundles

Banner Ads: sizes 350x250, 250x250, 120x300, 160x600, 728x90

Comes with PNG/JPG and PSD files

Why waste so much time on creating banner ads, e-covers, and chapter graphics, when you can just grab some outstanding ones from us?

On top of the given Full Private Label Rights, you will also receive Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights license certificates if you choose to sell away the rights of this product to your customers!

Private Label Rights are included in all modules

The package may be resold. Suggested resell price: $17.00

Use it for PERSONAL USE and gain tremendous value from it

Put your name on it and be the AUTHOR - Great way to Brand yourself as an Expert

Give Away as a BONUS when customers buy through your affiliate link

Use it as a LEAD MAGNET to grow your list

Use as an upsell package for your existing product funnel

Repurpose into a physical product

Upload the product to your Membership Site and charge a monthly fee

Breakdown the content for your Social Media Posts

Use the product for your Webinar Course

Translate the content into different languages

Create podcast episodes

Sell standalone/personal use rights

Can sell resell rights

Can sell master resell rights

Cannot resell Private Label Rights

The entire package cannot be given away for free

The entire package cannot be added to a free or PLR membership site

You’ve seen so many PLRs out there and honestly, most of them are garbage!

You’ve probably invested in a couple of PLRs, just to get disappointed in the end…

This is where we come in because we want to change that notion and offer the BEST quality, top-notch PLR package the internet has to offer so that you can get started now and start seeing results at last!

We’ve done the market research, and we only focus on the hottest topics online today.

choose your image

We only hire native American or British writers to write our products, thus the quality is always there.

You can proudly put your name on them and call them yours.

Most of the ideas come from countless closed-door seminars and workshops by world-renowned speakers and trainers. We’ve taken notes to gather the greatest minds and put them into our ultimate PLR packages.

So, be rest assured that what we are about to offer, is going to be FIRST-CLASS.

Not only you will learn a lot from what’s inside this course itself, but you are also given…

FULL, Unlimited PLR (Private Label Rights) - So you can slap your name on it, make it your own, and start making money big time!

With our premium quality PLR package, you can succeed without having to spend unnecessary time and money on product creation.

Here's What Others Are Saying About The Art Of Self-Reflection PLR...

Sajan Elanthoor


"I love it when Yu Shaun and Cally Lee launch new products because I know my customers always get high-quality PLR. Their high-quality PLR packages truly save you time, and money and solve the product creation headache!"



"Yu Shaun and Cally always produce supreme quality products that we would always love to promote to our list. Not only that, but they also provide cool graphics! Well done Yu Shaun and Cally for bringing out yet another fantastic product. Highly recommended!"

Budi T.


"When you look at a PLR product, usually you’re feeling iffy and scared because PLR productions are notorious for being boorish, outdated, or just plain bad. But not so with Cally and Yu Shaun’s content here. I was provided with a review copy of their PLR content, and am happy to say that if you want something that you can be proud to call your product, you should get their PLR deal right now."

We've Got More Surprises For You:

On Top of This Full-Blown PLR Package...We've Also Prepared These Fast Action Bonuses!

Only If You Act Now

Considering all the time, hard work, and money we spent on creating this product…

The value for this Premium Package is easily worth a GRAND TOTAL of $8,900!

And this is the actual cost we incurred throughout the entire process of product creation.

But of course, we’re not going to charge you THAT much…

Because we want you to get the biggest bang for your buck!

Today, you can get your hands on the entire PLR package for just $97!

$97 for a PLR Package that can change lives and build your business, is an excellent deal!

For a limited time only, we are giving away this PLR package for the price of A CUP OF COFFEE!

Yes… You heard that right! Just skip one cup of coffee or breakfast and you'll get access to EVERYTHING in a snap! No ongoing fees or monthly fees - It’s a steal!

This is one of the BEST investments you can make because you are purchasing a Full-Blown PLR Package, fully integrated with a high-converting sales funnel ready to generate continuous profits after making just ONE sale!

NOTE: The price tag you see below is just a special introductory offer and this discounted price will increase in the coming days without notice!

So act now, don’t delay, and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible!

Remember: The price increases for every sale closed, and WILL go up to $27-37 if you hesitate for too long...

"Are You Ready To Make Money Starting From Today?"

If your answer is YES, what are you waiting for?

Simply Click the button below and get started instantly!

All the arsenals to make money online are ready for you to grab if you Act today!

1Module: Premium Quality Ebook [VALUE: $700]

2. Module: Complete Check List   [VALUE: $100]

3. Module: Comprehensive Mind Map [VALUE: $750]

4. Module: High Converting Sales Page [VALUE: $450]

5. Module: Hypnotizing Video Sales Letter  [VALUE: $450]

6. Module: Exclusive Lead Magnet  [VALUE: $450]

7. Module: Professional Landing Page  [VALUE: $250]

8. Module: Follow-up Email Swipes [VALUE: $500]

9. Module: Stunning Graphics Pack [VALUE: $250]

10. Module: License Certificates [VALUE: PRICELESS]

Fast-Action Bonus: PLR Powerhouse [VALUE: $197]

2. Fast-Action Bonus: Sales Funnel Hacks [VALUE: $197]

3. Fast-Action Bonus: Unannounced Bonuses [VALUE: $1000]

TOTAL VALUE: $5,451+

Get Instant Access At $197 NOW ONLY

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