Content Strategy Review – How Does It Work, and Why Essential
Content Strategy Review – How Does It Work, and Why Essential

There are many different types of content strategy. These are the approaches, processes, and types of content you plan on using to create your brand’s content over time. 

A content strategy combines the larger perspective of a content marketing strategy framework with the detailed, nitty-gritty tactics of a content plan. It considers big-picture items like trends and marketing objectives, as well as the specific tools you have available to create content for your brand.

Here is an overview of what it takes to create a comprehensive content strategy in 2024, along with a step-by-step process to chart the course for your content marketing strategy this year.

Digital content is always in a state of evolution. An effective digital marketing content strategy always considers the latest content marketing trends. 

In 2024, most trends trace their way back to one thing: artificial intelligence. AI is all the rage at the moment. Content marketers are using AI tools to brainstorm ideas, generate outlines, analyze results, and much more — and we’re just starting to scratch the surface of this powerful, limitless technology.

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is one of the biggest developments to date. Google’s Helpful Content Updates are also redefining how the internet search process takes place. The brand’s updated E-E-A-T guidelines also emphasized educational, helpful, and high-quality content rather than generic or unhelpful alternatives. 

While there are other content trends, like using video and interactive content, these latest AI-focused developments from the world’s most powerful search tool have the potential to revolutionize how users and marketers alike use search engines. Savvy marketing teams should be watching and learning everything they can regarding these trends as they shape their content strategies for 2024.

As you pull together the different parts of a content strategy, you want to consider all of the different types of content and formats available. What content strategy tools can you use? How do the trends listed above play into the picture? 

The best way to create a solid content strategy plan is to use a structured approach. Here is a content strategy example that uses a step-by-step process to form a roadmap for the next twelve months. Use it to help guide you as you build your plan.

1. Review Your Content Strategy Framework

Always start a time-based content strategy with an initial review of your larger content marketing goals. Review the themes and niche topics where you want to position your brand as a source of expertise and authority.

Also, review basic brand goals, such as driving revenue, generating leads, or creating brand awareness. What are your long-term content goals? This is your starting point. As you prepare to create content in 2024, remember to keep your larger marketing strategy in mind as you go along.

2. Conduct Research

Now, it’s time to look past the hypothetical and consider the real world. What are the topics and search queries that your target audience is looking for? Don’t be afraid to ask them directly on social media or through email if you need to. This information is key to creating the engaging content that will be most helpful to your audience.

While you’re researching, it’s also a good idea to conduct competitive research and consider current trends like those listed above. Look at what your competitors are doing well or what they could improve on so you know what works and where the opportunity lies.

3. Create Strategies Based on Your Research

This is the tricky part. Now that you’ve done your research and review, you need to consider how it all fits together. This means aligning your larger brand objectives with current trends and potential customer’s pain points. As you consider all three of these, you can begin to create specific strategies for the coming year.

For instance, consider a SaaS brand focused on using AI to simplify tech stacks. They want to spur revenue by generating leads, and their audience is looking for ways to eliminate unnecessary spending. 

A good content goal might be to create a series of top-of-funnel blog articles that highlight overspending on tech and the power that AI has to analyze and reduce inefficiencies. This goal considers the brand’s themes (tech/simplification), current trends (AI tools), and customer pain points (overspending/inefficiency).

4. Consider What Content Type is Needed to Achieve Your Goals

Once you have your goals set, it’s time to dig into more of the details. Where are these goals in your sales funnel? What kind of content facilitates achieving them? 

For example, if you need top-funnel content, you may want to create a topical blog post, conduct a content audit focused on improving your helpful content, or create more social media content. However, if you need to create content for the bottom of your funnel, you may want to focus on creating demos, video content, whitepapers, or email marketing. 

5. Plan Out How to Publish Your Content

When you plan out an entire year of content, it’s tempting to dive in and start posting things as soon as you’ve created them. However, it’s wise to spread things out and post things on a schedule. This keeps your brand looking fresh and current.

Set up a content calendar that incorporates everything. Social media, on-site content, top-funnel, bottom-funnel, consider everything. What is time-sensitive? What isn’t? Use the answers to plot your content’s course for 2024.

6. Analyze as You Go Along

Finally, don’t forget to set the stage to analyze your results. Once your content is live, use tools like Google Analytics to gauge how it performs.

Relevant content can take varying times to generate results. On the one hand, a social post will have near-instantaneous traffic. On the other hand, an SEO-optimized blog article could take six months to start generating organic traffic to your site. 

Set up a recurring schedule to check in on your content creation strategy throughout the year. When you do, consider what’s working and make adjustments where necessary. If you aren’t sure what to do to improve a lagging campaign, you can also work with a good content marketing agency to improve your results.

2024 is the year of AI, and Google’s AI is focused on creating helpful content. If your valuable content is genuinely educating and supporting consumers, it will shine through. Google specifically recommends that if you’re already producing helpful content, “then you don’t need to do anything; in fact, this system may be good for your site, as it is designed to reward helpful content.”

However, if you need more quality content, you need to build a good content strategy for the coming year. Use the steps above to consider your digital marketing strategy goals, current trends, and customer pain points. Then, pull everything together into a killer content strategy that can generate beneficial content for your customers.

This is a completely DONE-FOR-YOU product that you can sell right now.

Plus you get "ready-made" materials to sell the product.

Use it! Rebrand it! Resell it! Keep 100% of the profits.

Customize, split the content, add to membership sites, sell separately, grow your business, and more.

POWER UP YOUR 2024 with this newly launched PLR product and set the stage for a successful new year. Use this product and make your New Year business resolutions COME TRUE!

Hello Fellow Business Owners,

We know that starting or establishing an online business poses significant challenges, with lots of responsibilities. like writing content, creating courses, and launching new products to attract new subscribers and buyers.

The truth is each piece of content requires a lot of time, skillsets, and effort that most online business owners don't have, but need. And when you don't have the time, money, or skillset, then you just don't create the content, and your business suffers.

The bad part is, that it does not have to be that way.

Our done-for-you information products are written to save you time, skillset, and money, while providing opportunities to crank out more content for your products and services, giving you the flexibility and tools to become the authority in your space.

And even if you were to "try and use" ChatGPT to create content, you would still have to put it together, and package it for sale, and that's a headache too. Check out the drama in time, and cost that awaits you when you don't use our PLR content package...

Those are a lot of hours, a lot of time, a lot of money, and worse than all of that, you still won't come out with what you need, meaning you have wasted a lot of time and money for nothing, BUT...

Our specialized team of content creators has done the research, built the websites, employed ChatGPT on your behalf, and organized the content into lead magnets, products for sale, and promotional materials, so you don't have to. We've even taken it one step further, and have created a system for setting your content goals and winning

Sure you have a package of PLR content, but we wanted you to also have a way to apply that content in 2024 so that you can get out of the starting blocks fast with a structured goal-setting plan.

So that, all you have to do is tweak it a little bit to make it your own, saving you 95% of the time and money while YOU keep 100% of the profitsREADY?

This isn't just another, run-of-the-mill or rehashed "101 tips" eBook with a lot of blank space – it's a comprehensive course bundled with handy cheat sheets, ChatGPT prompts, mind maps, time-saving tools, and other valuable resources, that you literally can use, customize, and resell.

So Come On, Let's Take a Look Inside...


Since we want your customers to do more than just get this PLR; we want them to dive in, take action, and let it make a real difference in their business... everything has been done for you, making content creation much easier... Check out what you get...

An Hour-by-Hour Action Guide to Create Content That Sells

The main eBook is called The 24-Hour Content Strategy Action Plan. This brand-new ebook and action plan is packed with lots of new, usable content for any online business.

This book is not filler information. It is an hour-by-hour "take" action guide where every hour is designed to take you through the content creation process, giving you an action plan to follow.

The user will have a tool at their fingertips to get them from frustrated and not having content, to consistent content creation.

Plus, this content is commercially written in plain U.S. English so that it is ready to go right after you download the files.

  • Over 10,289 words (73 pages) of hour-by-hour, "how to", step-by-step content strategy development. 100% unique and original content written for you, and your audience.
  • Screenshots, graphics, process charts, and other images are embedded throughout the pages of the eBook. This is not just boring words, the other supportive content helps give the words and the eBook "life".
  • This book is easy to navigate, with The Table of Contents linked to the relevant pages for easy reading consumption. The interior pages are professionally and beautifully formatted and styled. This is an eBook you'd be proud to call your own!
  • An editable Word DOC file, Word file, and PDF file are included so you can freely edit the eBook as you wish, or use it as-is.

This Ultimate ChatGPT Prompt Guide will power up your goal writing. Use the 10 powerful step-by-step prompts to guide the flow of writing a full product in less than 20 - 30 minutes

You could have fresh content like articles, infographics, ebooks, courses, and all of your other content marketing needs done in an easy-to-follow 10-step prompt, where each prompt builds on the previous prompt to complete a full product in 20 - 30 minutes.

The prompt guide includes customer and avatar behaviors, suggested writing style, what to use for lead magnets and more. 

  • Print Formatted: Prompt by prompt, in an easy-to-follow step-by-step that takes you from nothing written to marketable content. 
  • Companion Content: A great companion to the main eBook that you and your customers will use as a shortcut to your writing achievement.
  • Organization and efficiency: Designed to keep you organized and efficient in developing various types of content.
  • Improve Productivity: Improve your productivity by having step by step process to follow without having to waste a lot of time trying to figure out what to write.
mind map 24 hour content strategy action plan

High Resolution: 1608 x 1102 pixels in PNG transparent format, making it ideal for printing.

Visual Appeal: Use the mindmap as a visual representation, showing the hierarchy of interconnected points and actions. With the visually appealing color guide, this mindmap helps you digest complex information faster.

Enhances Creativity: Use this mindmap as an excellent tool for stimulating creativity, brainstorming, and problem-solving. It will allow you to think through ideas, enabling you to generate and organize ideas in a free-flowing manner as well as be able to see content creation from various perspectives.

Memory Aid: It's easier for the audience to recall and retrieve information. This format enhances study sessions, presentations, and project planning by providing a quick and organized reference point for key details. A super time saver, your audience will enjoy.

NEW! Sales Page and Thank You Page Content

Benefits of Using DFY Sales and Thank You Page Content:

  • Enjoy instant Product Launches.
  • Cost Savings on Copywriting.
  • Time-Efficient Solution, it's written for you.
  • Simple Content Integration: Images, order buttons, links, and rebrand text as necessary.
  • Conversion-Optimized Content: convert visitors into customers.

Clean, simple design opt-in page, with easy to update style to make your own. 

Plus, lead magnet images, and content. 

Keyword-rich copy to target your audience and build your email list.

Strategically written to convert visitors into subscribers.

Now you can benefit from an opt-in page that is crafted to drive visitors to your offer and boost conversion rates.

Get Everything in the
24-Hour Content Strategy Action Plan Boutique Bundle with 



You are at the TOP, as the owner, writer, creator, and author of the whole package AND you get to extend private label rightsrebrand and resell rights to others for...

PLUS, as the owner of all of rights like an author, and course creator, YOU, can extend those same rights to others with this authorship special Master Transferrable Private Label Rights. 

1. Give it away as a bonus. Boost your affiliate sales by offering this PLR product as a bonus. Bonuses have a proven track record of converting prospects into paying customers, skyrocketing your sales in the process!
2. Increase the value of your existing product. Enhance your product's value by providing this PLR product as an additional bonus. Over-delivering delights customers and encourages more sales.
3. Post on social media. Re-engage your followers by sharing PLR content on your social media. It establishes you as an authority and fosters engagement with your audience.
4. Blog Content. Split the PLR content and post it on your blog. Fresh, relevant content attracts more readers, leading to increased sales opportunities.
5. Offline Use. Repurpose the content for offline purposes, such as keynote presentations or physical products. You can sell these products at a higher price, ranging from $100 to $500, offering a lucrative revenue stream.
6. Coaching Programs: Utilize PLR content in your coaching programs. Incorporate the material into your curriculum, enriching the learning experience for your students.
7. eCourses. Create a 7-day eCourse for your newsletter subscribers. Build trust and pre-sell your list by offering valuable tips via your autoresponder series.
8. Create Smaller Reports. Divide the eBook into 2-3 separate short reports. Smaller, focused content pieces cater to specific audience segments and customer journeys.
9. Funnel Upsell. Add the PLR product as an upsell or one-time offer in your sales funnel. If you don't have an upsell yet, offering the PLR product can easily double your profits.


10. Weekly Content Series. Split the content into 52 parts as a year's worth of valuable weekly content; keeps your audience engaged and invested in your offerings.

11. Translate into other languages. Translate the PLR content into different languages, reach a wider, less saturated market, and expand your global audience.
12. JV Partner Collaboration. Integrate the product on your JV partner's sales page as a special bonus or on their download page; enhance your visibility.
13. Membership Site Content. Add the product to your paid membership site. Exclusive content like this helps retain active, paying members, ensuring a steady income stream.
14. Audio / Video Content. Repurpose the PLR content into audio or video formats. Different media formats cater to diverse audience preferences, maximizing reach and impact.
15. Enhance Existing Products. Add valuable content from this PLR product to your existing offerings. Providing more depth and value to your customers.
16. Customization Options. Re-write, re-brand, re-title, customize, manipulate, or sell the PLR product as is. Flexibility is key; adapt the product to suit your audience or sell it as a turnkey solution.
17. Personalized Use. Even if you don't plan to resell the product, the guides provide valuable insights and knowledge, enriching your understanding and expertise. Knowledge is power, after all!

18. Create Lead Magnets. Use the PLR content to create valuable lead magnets such as eBooks, reports, or white papers. Offer these resources for free in exchange for visitors' email addresses. Building your email list is a powerful marketing strategy, allowing you to nurture relationships and promote your products or services directly to interested leads.
19. Webinar Content. Repurpose the PLR content into engaging webinar presentations. Webinars are excellent marketing tools for educating your audience, showcasing your expertise, and promoting your products or services.

By creatively applying these strategies, you can 

leverage PLR products 

effectively to
boost your sales, expand your reach, and grow your customer base along the way.

P.S. I don't think you need it at this point, but we are thorough, so just in case you need a quick list snapshot into all that is included before buying...

The Top 10 Items Included in this Brand NEW PLR package:

1. eBook System & Chat GPT Prompt Guide

2. Mindmap: A nicely structured, colorful representation of the whole process. 

3. Sales Page and Thank You Page Content

4. Lead Magnet and Opt-In Squeeze Page Content

5. Avatar: avatar, keyword + intent keywords, customer pain points, and audience finder

6. Social Media Graphics Pack; editable versions and final files; including social media graphics

7. Blog Posts: 10 blog posts you can upload to your site using the publishing calendar
8. Email Swipes: The welcome, nurture, and engagement series for marketing campaigns
9. Publishing Calendar and Planner: Follow the day-by-day, blog post and social posting schedule.

10. The "FAB" Pack: Set Goals to Win, Resource List, and 35 Name Idea Add-Ons
PLUS the PLR License and the Guarantee.

This PLR offer comes fully packed with Private Label Rights (PLR).

plr certificate

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